Change the order of surround level meters in Logic Pro for Mac
In Logic Pro for Mac, you can determine the order of channels in surround (multichannel) level meters on channel strips and track headers. You can choose from the following options.
5.1 Format | DTS | SMPTE/ITU | Clockwise | Film |
Meter 1 | Left | Left | L Surround | Left |
Meter 2 | Right | Right | Left | Center |
Meter 3 | L Surround | Center | Center | Right |
Meter 4 | R Surround | LFE | Right | L Surround |
Meter 5 | Center | L Surround | R Surround | R Surround |
Meter 6 | LFE | R Surround | LFE | LFE |
7.1.4 Format | DTS | SMPTE/ITU | Clockwise | Film |
Meter 1 | L | L | Ls | L |
Meter 2 | R | R | Lm | C |
Meter 3 | Ls | C | L | R |
Meter 4 | Rs | LFE | C | Lm |
Meter 5 | Lm | Ls | R | Rm |
Meter 6 | Rm | Rs | Rm | Ls |
Meter 7 | C | Lm | Rs | Rs |
Meter 8 | LFE | Rm | LFE | LFE |
Meter 9 | Lt | Lt | Lts | Lt |
Meter 10 | Rt | Rt | Lt | Rt |
Meter 11 | Lts | Lts | Rt | Lts |
Meter 12 | Rts | Rts | Rts | Rts |
Note: It’s important to be aware of the selected order because the level meters on the channel strips and track headers have no channel labels (for example, L, C, R, Ls, and so on).

Change the multichannel level meter order
Choose Logic Pro > Settings > View (or use the Open View Settings key command).
Click Mixer, then choose an option from the Channel Order pop-up menu in the Level Meters area.
Note: The setting you choose here does not apply to metering plug-ins, such as Level Meter or MultiMeter.