Studio Bass in Logic Pro for Mac
The studio instruments are high-quality multisampled players that offer a collection of solo and grouped instrument presets. See Studio Horns, Studio Piano, and Studio Strings.
Studio Bass is a highly expressive sample-based software instrument that emulates the sound of several electric basses and an upright acoustic bass, each with their own sonic characteristics. It’s optimized for use with the Bass Player, but it also works with MIDI and pattern regions. You can also use a MIDI keyboard to play and record with Studio Bass.

If you’re new to using plug-ins in Logic Pro, see Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins.
Studio Bass contains parameters for volume, tone, pickup controls, and other sonic characteristics typical of the selected bass instrument. See Main view parameters and Details view parameters.
As with a real bass instrument, notes played with Studio Bass can have different tonal qualities depending on their neck position. When a note is played, Studio Bass provides visual feedback by indicating the positions of the hand and notes in the area resembling a fretboard at the bottom of the plug-in window. You can influence these positions through the use of MIDI Out channels. See String and position MIDI channel assignments.
You can use articulations with Studio Bass to create expressive, nuanced performances and recordings. When you load a Studio Bass patch from the Library, an articulation set is automatically loaded. There are separate articulation sets for each playing style of the electric bass instruments, and one for the American Upright instrument. See Choose patches in the Library and Articulation editing overview.
When using a Studio Bass patch from the Library, you can use a keyswitch map to switch between different articulations on the fly. You can also edit the articulations for each note in a MIDI region or step in a pattern region. See Studio Bass keyswitch mapping and Manage software instrument articulations.