Pointer shortcuts for the Tracks area in Logic Pro for Mac
The following table lists functions available in the Tracks area when you use pointer shortcuts.
Function | Modifier key and action |
Add new track (or tracks) for dragged audio files, regions, or Apple Loops | Command key while dragging audio files, regions, or Apple Loops between two track headers |
Set marquee selection to entire region | Command-Option while clicking on a region |
Set track to Solo Safe mode | Control-click Solo button |
Activate or deactivate Solo mode for the channel strip and deactivate Solo mode for all other tracks | Option-click Solo button |
Activate or deactivate Solo for all tracks | Command-click Solo button |
Activate or deactivate Mute for the track and deactivate Mute for all other tracks | Option-click Mute button |
Activate or deactivate Mute for all tracks (except output tracks and master track) | Command-click Mute button |
Turn all tracks on or off, and activate or deactivate plug-ins on all channel strips | Command-click On/Off button |
Turn track on or off, but keep plug-ins on channel strips activated | Option-click On/Off button |
Turn all tracks on or off, but keep plug-ins on all channel strips activated | Option-Command-click On/Off button |
Adjust volume, pan, send, mute, or solo without affecting other selected channel strips or members of that Mixer group | Shift key while dragging or clicking |
Move regions by one division | Control key while dragging regions |
Move regions by one tick | Control-Option while dragging regions |
Snap to finest possible resolution in current snap mode | Control-Shift-click to select region |
Create alias of a MIDI region or folder that starts where the region was dragged | Option-Shift while dragging region or folder |
Move regions by samples if zoomed in, by ticks if zoomed out | Control-Shift while dragging region or regions |
Create fade-in | Control-Shift while scrolling down from upper left corner of audio region |
Create fade-out | Control-Shift while scrolling down from upper right corner of audio region |
Create crossfade | Control-Shift while scrolling horizontally of the end of one audio region to the beginning of an adjacent audio region |
Create new track (same track type as the focused track) with default patch | Option-click New Tracks button |
Create new track (same track type as the focused track) with an empty channel strip | Option-Shift-click New Tracks button |
Create new track (opposite track type as the focused track) with the default patch | Command-click New Tracks button |
Create new track (opposite track type as the focused track) with an empty channel strip | Shift-Command-click New Tracks button |
Create new track with duplicate settings | Click Duplicate Track button |
Create new track with duplicate settings and content | Command-click Duplicate Track button |
Delete fade | Option-click fade area with Fade tool |
Split regions into regions of equal length | Option-click with Scissors tool |
Select entire take | Option-click take lane (with comp selected) |
Remove a take section from the current comp | Shift-click take section |
Open audio region in the Audio File Editor | Option key while double-clicking audio region |
Move the selection end farthest from the pointer to the pointer position | Option-Shift-click inside marquee selection |
Move the selection end closest to the pointer to the pointer position | Shift-click inside marquee selection |
Add or remove an existing marquee selection to other tracks | Shift-click with the Marquee tool inside the marquee boundaries of other track lanes |
Extend the cycle range to the clicked position | Shift-click in cycle area of bar ruler |
Skip Cycle | Command-click the cycle range |
Skip Cycle | Command-click the autopunch range in the ruler |
Show or hide autopunch area | Option-Command-click ruler |
Select (or deselect) multiple tracks | Shift-click multiple track headers |
Change marquee selection start or end point | Shift-click in Tracks area with Marquee tool |
Create marquee selection of entire region | Option-click on region with Marquee tool |
Create marquee selection from start of first to end of last clicked region | Option-Shift-click on multiple regions with Marquee tool |
Display notes from all selected MIDI regions in the Piano Roll Editor | Shift-click multiple MIDI regions |
Restrict movement to initial drag direction | Shift key while dragging horizontally or vertically |
Only selected tracks are set to a color but not any selected regions | Command-click a color in the Color palette |
The region starts to play in Solo mode from the beginning and not the click position | Option key while long-clicking a region with the Solo tool |
Move playhead to click position | Shift-click the track lane |
Start playback from click position | Shift key while double-clicking the background of the Track header |
Resize tool changes to the Stretch tool | Option key while dragging the left or right region border |
Open Piano Roll Editor as standalone window | Option key while double-clicking a MIDI region |
Open Audio File Editor as standalone window | Option key while double-clicking an audio region |
Select all members of a group | Option-click a group in the Group Settings window |
Set playhead at click position and activate cycle range for the length of the marker if present | Shift-click ruler |
Shorten looped region | Click with Join tool |
Merge looped region into a single region | Option-click looped region |
Select all regions on track lane | Shift key while double-clicking a region |
Vertically zoom all tracks of the same track type | Command-drag lower divider line of a track header |
Reset all track headers to the default individual zoom level | Shift-click divider line between track headers |
Vertically zoom all tracks proportionally | Option key while scrolling vertically in Tracks area |
Toggle Record Enable on a track and deselect Record Enable on all other tracks | Option-click the Record Enable button |
Select track header without changing current region selection | Option-click track header |
Show/hide the Library | Double-click track icon in the track header |
Turn “Record Automation with Audio/MIDI Regions” on or off for all tracks and newly created tracks | Option-click “Record Automation with Audio/MIDI Regions” in the Automation Mode pop-up menu |