Using free tempo recording, you can record audio in a new or existing project without a metronome or a defined project tempo, regardless of the Project Tempo mode. When you start a free tempo recording, recording starts immediately, without a count-in. The metronome is turned off and the selected track is soloed, so no other sound is audible during the recording.
When you are done recording, you can choose whether to apply the tempo of the recorded region to the project, apply the project tempo to the region, or proceed without analyzing the region tempo or changing the project tempo. Depending on the option you choose, Flex & Follow is set to On or On + Beats for the recorded region. Free tempo recording is useful when you want to capture ideas quickly without worrying about the precise tempo, record material with flexible tempo or timing, or record complex parts more slowly, then speed them up to match the project tempo.
After making a free tempo recording, you can view the analysis results in the Smart Tempo Editor, add hints to improve the analysis, and edit beat markers to correct the analysis results for specific beats.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the control bar and choose Customize Control Bar and Display from the shortcut menu.
In the Transport column, select the Free Tempo Recording checkbox.
The Free Tempo Recording button appears to the right of the Record button in the control bar.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Click the Free Tempo Recording button in the control bar.
Click and hold the Record button in the control bar, then choose Free Tempo Recording from the shortcut menu.
Use the Free Tempo Recording key command (default assignment: Control-Option-Command-R).
Sing or play your part freely, without the metronome or any other sound from the project.
To stop recording, click the Stop button in the control bar (or press the Space bar).
In the dialog that appears, choose whether to apply the tempo of the recorded region to the project, apply the average tempo of the region to the project, apply the project tempo to the region, or proceed without analyzing the region tempo or changing the project tempo.
The option you choose determines the Flex & Follow setting for the recorded region.
If you choose “Apply region tempo to project,” Flex & Follow is set to On.
If you choose “Apply average region tempo to project” or “Apply project tempo to region,” Flex & Follow is set to “Beats.”
If you choose “Don’t analyze region tempo or change project tempo,” Flex & Follow is set to Off.
Note: The dialog appears after a free tempo recording unless you have set a different default behavior in the Smart Tempo project settings.