Input Filter project settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, Input Filter project settings are available.
These settings let you control which event types are filtered.

Notes checkbox: Use to filter out notes from incoming MIDI data.
Program changes checkbox: Use to filter out Program Change messages from incoming MIDI data.
Pitch Bend checkbox: Use to filter out Pitch Bend messages from incoming MIDI data.
Control Changes checkbox: Use to filter out Control Changes messages from incoming MIDI data.
Aftertouch checkbox: Use to filter out Aftertouch messages from incoming MIDI data.
Polyphonic Aftertouch checkbox: Use to filter out Polyphonic Aftertouch messages from incoming MIDI data.
System Exclusive checkbox: Use to filter out program change messages from incoming MIDI data.
To learn more about MIDI data in the Event List, see Edit Event List events in Logic Pro for Mac.