Smart Tempo project settings in Logic Pro for Mac
These settings determine the default behavior for Smart Tempo.

Project Tempo Mode pop-up menu: Choose the Project Tempo mode (Keep, Adapt, or Automatic).
Keep Project Tempo: The project tempo is maintained when you record audio or import audio files. This behavior is identical to that of previous versions of Logic Pro.
Adapt Project Tempo: The project tempo adapts to the tempo of new regions that don’t match the project tempo.
Automatic Mode: Automatic Mode uses Keep or Adapt behavior depending on whether the metronome is active and if regions are present, among other factors.
Defaults for Flex & Follow Region Setting
The Flex & Follow region parameter determines whether regions are Flex enabled, and whether they follow the project tempo. You can choose the default settings for new recordings and imported files with the pop-up menus below.
Set New Recordings To pop-up menu: Sets the Smart Tempo behavior when recording new audio.
Off: Smart Tempo does not analyze the tempo of new recordings.
On: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of the recorded audio and places tempo markers at each point a tempo change is detected.
On + Align Bars: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of the recorded audio, and places a tempo marker at each bar a tempo change is detected.
On + Align Bars and Beats: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of the recorded audio, and places a tempo marker at each beat a tempo change is detected.
Trim start of new regions checkbox: Automatically sets the start of newly recorded regions to the first downbeat of the file.
Set Imported Files To pop-up menu: Sets the Smart Tempo behavior when importing audio files into your project.
Off: Smart Tempo does not analyze the tempo of imported audio files.
On: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of imported audio files and places tempo markers at each point a tempo change is detected.
On + Align Bars: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of imported audio files and places a tempo marker at each bar a tempo change is detected.
On + Align and Beats: Smart Tempo analyzes the tempo of imported audio files and places a tempo marker at each beat a tempo change is detected.
Trim start of new regions checkbox: Automatically sets the start of imported audio files to the first downbeat of the file.
These additional options let you create a matching Edit group when creating a Multitrack Set and choose the resolution of exported tempo information.
Create matching Editing group when creating Smart Tempo multitrack set checkbox: Combines all the audio files used to create the multitrack set into a single group for editing.
Export Tempo Resolution pop-up menu: Choose the resolution of the exported tempo.
Smoothed: Exports a tempo that smooths out jumps in tempo from beat to beat.
Beats: Exports the tempo information at each beat without any smoothing.
Free Tempo Recording
These options determine how the tempo of a newly recorded region is adjusted after a free tempo recording.
Default Tempo Behavior pop-up menu: Choose the default behavior to follow after making a free tempo recording.
Ask: After each recording a dialog appears, asking which tempo behavior to follow.
Apply region tempo to project: The analyzed tempo of the recorded region is applied to the project tempo.
Apply average region tempo to project: The average analyzed tempo of the recorded region is applied to the project tempo.
Apply project tempo to region: The project tempo is applied to the recorded region, which is flexed to match the project tempo.
Don’t analyze region tempo or change project tempo: No tempo analysis is applied to the recorded region, and the project tempo remains unchanged.