General MIDI settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, General MIDI settings are available.

MIDI 2.0 checkbox: When selected, Logic Pro uses the MIDI 2.0 protocol to receive, record, and play back MIDI data. This applies to MIDI 2.0 capable software instruments and external MIDI hardware.
You can choose on how to display MIDI 2.0 values in General View settings.
External stop message ends recording checkbox: If using external synchronization and the timecode stops while recording, record mode is turned off. If this checkbox is unselected, Logic Pro for Mac stops, but remains in record mode (record mode is paused).
Reset All MIDI Drivers button: Resets all MIDI drivers. This can help if you experience MIDI communication problems.
Articulation Switches
Note: If any of these parameters are being determined by the Articulation Set Editor for a given channel strip, the setting is dimmed.
MIDI Remote pop-up menu: Determines whether articulation switching is on or off.
MIDI Remote Set pop-up menu: Determines how the MIDI Remote state is set. If you want the MIDI Remote setting to be the same for every channel, choose Global. Otherwise, keep this set to Per Channel Strip.
MIDI Channel pop-up menu: Sets the MIDI channel for articulation switches.
MIDI Channel Set pop-up menu: Determines how the MIDI Channel is set. If you want the MIDI Channel setting to be the same for every channel, choose Global. Otherwise, keep this set to Per Channel Strip.
Octave Offset pop-up menu: Sets the octave offset for articulation switches. You can choose any octave between +10 and -10 octaves.
Octave Offset Set pop-up menu: Determines how the Octave Offset is set. If you want the Octave Offset setting to be applied to every channel, choose Global. Otherwise, keep this set to Per Channel Strip.