Display duration bars in the Score Editor in Logic Pro for Mac
You can show a graphical representation of a note’s duration by displaying duration bars in the Score Editor.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can assign staff styles to individual MIDI regions as well as to tracks, allowing you to use multiple styles on a single staff. This can be used to alternate between fully notated passages and “improvised” passages using only beat slashes and chord symbols, for example. You can show duration bars for selected notes or for all notes by choosing the corresponding menu item in the Score Editor’s View > Duration Bars submenu.

Display duration bars in the Score Editor
Choose View > Duration Bars in the Score Editor, then choose one of the following display modes:
Off: No duration bars are displayed.
Selected Notes: Duration bars are displayed for selected notes only.
Note: Duration bars for selected notes are displayed according to the Selection Color setting in Logic Pro > Settings > Score.
All Notes: Duration bars are displayed for all notes in the score.
Note: You can also use the Toggle Duration Bar Display key command, which toggles between Off and the last selected display mode.