With Smart Tempo you can record a performance without the metronome and have Logic Pro for Mac adapt the project tempo to match the tempo of the recording, or keep the project tempo and flex the recording to match it. You can create remixes using audio files and MIDI regions with different tempos that all conform to the project tempo, or adapt the project tempo to the tempo of an imported audio file or MIDI region. You can also use Smart Tempo with multitrack audio recordings.
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, select the audio region.
In the Region inspector, select one of the following from the Flex & Follow pop-up menu:
Off: The region doesn’t follow changes to the project tempo, and isn’t Flex enabled.
On: The region is Flex enabled, so it follows any manual Flex edits. It also follows any changes to the project tempo.
Bars (On + Align Bars): The region is Flex enabled, and Smart Tempo beat markers are used to conform the region to the project tempo at every downbeat (bar).
Because the region is conformed to each bar, the 1/1 setting is not available in the Quantize menu.
Beats (On + Align Bars and Beats): The region is Flex enabled, and Smart Tempo beat markers are used to conform the region to the project tempo at every beat.
Because the region is conformed to each (1/4-note) beat, the 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 settings aren’t available in the Quantize menu.
You can view and edit Smart Tempo analysis results in the Smart Tempo Editor, including markers and other tempo information. After you record an audio or MIDI region or import a file using Smart Tempo, you can refine the tempo analysis and correct any tempo detection errors to define the musical intent more accurately. When Adapt is the Project Tempo mode, tempo and time signature changes are transferred to the project tempo and time signature tracks.
You can set the default Flex & Follow settings for audio recordings and imported audio files in the Smart Tempo project settings.
You can view and edit Smart Tempo analysis results in the Smart Tempo Editor, including beat markers and other tempo information. After you record an audio or MIDI region or import a file using Smart Tempo, you can refine the tempo analysis and correct any tempo detection errors to define the musical intent more accurately. When you open the Smart Tempo Editor, the audio file or MIDI region is displayed along with the tempo analysis results. You can make quick tempo, beat, and timing adjustments, or make more complex edits to the tempo information for a single beat, a selection, or the entire file or region.