Explore Sculpture modulation options in Logic Pro for Mac
The modulation options can be very important for the emulation of acoustic instruments, such as with the introduction of vibrato into a trumpet sound over time.
Many classic synthesizer sounds also rely as much on modulation as they do on the basic sound source components—the VCO, VCF, and VCA.
Here are some quick modulation tips:
Imagine that you want to modulate the timbre of Object 2 with the LFO, for example. To do so, click the LFO 1 or 2 tab, click the 1 or 2 button, choose a source and target from the Source and Target pop-up menus, then drag the “amt” and “via” sliders to the values you want.
To control any modulation with an external controller, such as your keyboard modulation wheel, open the “via” pop-up menu and choose Ctrl A (1 ModWhl) or Ctrl B (4 Foot) respectively. By default, the Mod Wheel is set to Ctrl A.
The Bouncing damp type available to Object 3 affects the sound in an interesting way, but it cannot run synchronously with the project tempo. To create a similar effect to the Bouncing Object—but in sync with the project tempo—you could use a Disturb object type, and move it by modulating its vertical position (Timbre) with an LFO that is synchronized with Logic Pro for Mac.
Breath control is available when you use Sculpture, even if you don’t own a breath controller.
Use breath control without a breath controller in Sculpture
In Logic Pro, record breath controller modulations into the recordable envelopes by using your keyboard modulation wheel or another controller.
Reassign the recorded modulation routing to either, or both, the CtrlEnv 1 and CtrlEnv 2 parameters.
Choose NoteOn from the Record Trigger pop-up menu.
Incoming note-on messages trigger the CtrlEnv 1 and 2 parameters.