Vintage B3 Preset and Morph controls in Logic Pro for iPad
The Hammond B3 is equipped with 12 buttons, located below the draw bars. These preset keys are laid out like a keyboard octave, but with black keys and white sharps. They are used to recall draw bar registrations (draw bar positions). Vintage B3 replicates these features. See Use Vintage B3 preset keys.
You can also switch—or smoothly crossfade (morph)—between the presets of the upper manual. See Use Vintage B3 Morph controls.

Preset Drawbars Morphing parameters
Preset and Morph parameter use is covered in Use Vintage B3 preset keys and Use Vintage B3 Morph controls.
Morph Range pop-up menu: Choose a range of keys for morph presets. Choose Off to disable the morph range that is set up.
Morph Mode pop-up menu: Choose Step to abruptly switch between presets. Choose Linear to smoothly morph (crossfade drawbar positions), between presets.
Morph knob and field: Control the switching or morphing between presets. You can also assign and use a MIDI controller such as your keyboard modulation wheel to control the Morph parameter.
Save Morph To pop-up menu: Choose Preset keys for the morph.
Morph #CC pop-up menu: Assign a MIDI controller to the Morph knob. You can choose any MIDI controller number shown (or channel aftertouch). You can also tap -Learn- to teach the Morph knob to respond to any incoming MIDI message.
Preset parameters
Drawbar Affects pop-up menu: Choose Current Presetkey to always change the registration of the currently active preset registration key. Choose B and Bb Key to mirror the behavior of a real Hammond organ, where the draw bars affect only the Bb (upper manual) and B (lower manual) preset registrations.
MIDI to Preset Keys button: Enable or disable preset switching with MIDI notes 24 to 35.
UM Preset pop-up menu: Choose a preset key for the upper manual. The current upper manual drawbar settings are immediately stored to the chosen key (unless the Drawbar Affects pop-up menu is set to B and Bb Key.)
UM Cancel button: Tap to clear the registration of the preset key shown in the UM Preset pop-up menu.
LM Preset pop-up menu: Choose a preset key for the lower manual. The current lower manual drawbar settings are immediately stored to the chosen key (unless the Drawbar Affects pop-up menu is set to only B and Bb Key.)
LM Cancel button: Tap to clear the registration of the preset key shown in the LM Preset pop-up menu.
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