Set Flex & Follow for audio regions in Logic Pro for iPad
Use the Flex & Follow setting in the Region inspector to turn on Flex Time for an audio region on a flex-enabled track. The audio region can then follow the project tempo and use Smart Tempo beat markers for quantize commands. See Smart Tempo.

Flex & Follow is a region parameter, which means you can set each audio region individually. You can choose from four options that determine how Flex Time shifts the audio material to a time grid.
Off: The region isn’t flex enabled and doesn’t follow changes to the project tempo.
On: The region is flex enabled, so it follows any manual flex edits. It also follows any changes to the project tempo.
Note: Audio regions in imported projects that have been created in Logic Pro for Mac can contain manual flex edits, but these edits are not visible in Logic Pro for iPad.
On + Align Bars: The region is flex enabled, and Smart Tempo beat markers are used to conform the region to the project tempo at every downbeat (bar).
On + Align Bars and Beats: The region is flex enabled, and Smart Tempo beat markers are used to conform the region to the project tempo at every beat.
Important: For a selected audio Apple Loop, the Region inspector shows the Follow Tempo switch instead of the Flex & Follow pop-up menu if the corresponding track has flex turned off in the Track inspector.

Choose a Flex & Follow option for an audio region
Tap an audio region to select it, or select multiple audio regions.
Tap the Inspector button
in the view control bar or press I on your external keyboard to open the Region inspector.
Tap the General disclosure arrow to show those parameters.
Tap the Flex & Follow pop-up menu and select one of the four options.
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