Record Morph Envelopes in Sculpture in Logic Pro for iPad
This section outlines the steps needed to record a Morph Envelope.
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This section outlines the steps needed to record a Morph Envelope.
In Logic Pro, tap the MrReT pop-up menu to choose one of the following trigger modes to start recording when the Morph Record Enable button is turned on:
NoteOn: Recording starts when a note is played.
Note + Move Morph Point: Recording starts when MIDI control change messages (as assigned in the Morph X and Y parameters of the MIDI controller section) arrive while a note is held.
Note + Sustain Pedal: Recording starts when the sustain pedal is depressed while a note is held.
In Logic Pro, choose a trigger mode from the MrReT pop-up menu if you don’t want to use the Morph Pad.
Skip this step if using the Morph Pad.
Tap the Morph Record Enable button to enable the morph envelope record function.
Play a note on your MIDI keyboard, and do either of the following:
Drag the gray dot in the Morph Pad.
Move an external controller (see Define Sculpture MIDI controllers).
Following the recording of a controller movement, the Morph Record Enable button is automatically turned off and the Morph Control Env button is activated. This ensures that only the recorded movement is active, regardless of the controller position or further movements after you finish recording.
Note: The mode defaults to Morph Control Pad as soon as you tap the Record Enable button. See Morph Envelope parameters.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Tap the Morph Record Enable button (or trigger) a second time.
Release all keys, and allow all voices to complete their decay phase. This automatically ends the recording.
Note: You can stop recording early, before the decay phase completes, by releasing all keys and then pressing a single key.
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