EVOC 20 PS global parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
The global parameters determine the keyboard mode and number of voices used by EVOC 20 PS.

Global parameters
Voices knob and field: Set the maximum number of voices in the numeric field (only when Poly is turned on).
Unison button: Turn Unison mode on or off.
In Unison/Poly mode—where both the Unison and Poly buttons are active—each voice is doubled. This cuts polyphony in half (to a maximum of eight voices, shown in the Voices field). The doubled voices are detuned by the amount defined with the Analog knob.
In Unison/Mono mode—where both the Unison and Mono or Legato buttons are active—up to 16 voices can be stacked and played monophonically. The Voices field displays the number of stacked voices that are heard.
Important: Stacking voices in Unison/Mono mode increases the output volume. To avoid overloading the instrument channel strip output, set a low Level slider value and gradually increase it.
Tune knob and field: Set the overall tuning in cents. One hundred cents equals one semitone step.
Analog knob and field: Set the amount of random pitch detuning. Analog simulates the instability of analog circuitry found in vintage vocoders by randomly altering the pitch of each note. This behavior is much like that of polyphonic analog synthesizers.
Kybd Mode switch: Determine the keyboard mode.
Poly: When on, you can set the maximum number of voices with the Voices knob. (When Mono or Legato is on, only a single voice is heard.)
Mono: When on, Glide is always active and the envelopes are retriggered by every note played (multi trigger behavior).
Legato: When on, Glide is active only on tied notes. Envelopes are not retriggered when tied notes are played (single trigger behavior).
Glide knob and field: Determine the time it takes for the pitch to slide from one note to another—portamento.
Bender Range knob and field: Determine the pitch bend modulation range, in semitone steps.
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