Peak level display and clipping in Logic Pro for iPad
Check channel strip levels
Each channel strip has a segmented level meter next to the volume fader that shows the playback level (or, when an audio track is record enabled, shows the input monitoring level). The colors that appear in the level meter provide a quick visual indication of channel strip monitoring levels:

Green: The signal is at a safe level, and does not clip the channel strip output.
Orange and yellow: A higher signal level, but still safe from clipping.
Red: The signal is above 0 dB and is considered “hot.” On an output channel strip, this can cause clipping or distortion and should be avoided.
The peak level is displayed numerically above the level meter. It updates during playback to show the peak level reached since the beginning of playback, and provides a guide for setting the Volume fader.
Signal clipping
Signal clipping occurs when a signal that is too loud is fed through the output channel strip, exceeding the limit of what can be accurately reproduced, resulting in distorted sound. The value shown in the peak level display lights red (on output channel strips) or orange (on other channel strip types) when the signal rises above 0 dB. This part of the peak level display is called the clipping indicator.
Note: It’s not an issue if individual channel strips show evidence of clipping, as long as the output channel strip—the summed level of all channel strips in the signal flow—does not clip.
To avoid clipping, lower the Volume fader by the same value that is shown in the peak level display.
Reset all peak level displays
In Logic Pro, tap a peak level display on any channel strip.
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