Change the gate time for MIDI regions in the Tracks area in Logic Pro for iPad
The term gate time stems from analog synthesizers and refers to the time between pressing and releasing a key. This parameter in the Region inspector affects the absolute note duration or length, which can be different from the actual note length displayed in the Piano Roll Editor. The practical effect is to make notes in the region more staccato or legato. The parameter range is related to the original note lengths.
Fixed plays all notes staccato (as very short notes).
Values below 100% shorten the notes.
Values above 100% lengthen the notes.
Legato plays all notes legato. That means each note ends precisely at the beginning of the following note in the selected region.
Change the Gate Time value in MIDI regions
In the Tracks area menu bar, tap the Trim button
Tap a MIDI region to select it, or select multiple MIDI regions.
Tap the Inspector button
on the left side of the view control bar (or press I on your external keyboard) to open the Region inspector.
Tap the General disclosure arrow to show the General parameters.
Tap the Gate Time pop-up menu and choose a value.
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