Bounce regions in place in Logic Pro for iPad
You can bounce regions in place, creating audio files that are placed at the same position as the original regions in the Tracks area. Using Bounce in Place, you can bounce regions of any type. You set the bounce destination and additional options in the Bounce in Place dialog when you create the bounce.
When multiple regions are selected, you can choose whether the result is:
A single audio file
A single audio file per track
An audio file for each selected region, replacing the region
In all cases, the resulting audio file(s) may include an audio tail from any effects extending past the end of the source region.
Bouncing in place might seem similar to the Freeze function. Both save CPU power by rendering all effect plug-ins of a track (and, for software instrument tracks, the instrument). Freeze uses the 32-bit float format to safeguard against volume clipping.
Note: A bounce in place is performed offline for audio and software instrument tracks with internal sound sources. When audio or MIDI signals are routed to external sound sources, Logic Pro performs a real-time bounce.
Bounce one or more regions in place
In Logic Pro, select the region or regions.
Tap one of the selected regions, then tap Bounce and Join.
Tap Bounce in Place.
In the Bounce in Place dialog, edit any of the following parameters:
Name field: Tap the name, then enter a new name for the bounce file. The default name is the region name of the first selected region, with the extension _bip added at the end.
Destination pop-up menu: Choose the track type on which the bounce file is placed. The choices are:
New Track: Creates a new audio track below the selected track and places the bounce region on that track.
Selected Track: Places the bounce region on the selected track. This option is available only if an audio track is selected.
Note: When multiple files are selected and the destination file is set to either One File per Track or One File per Region, the “Selected Track” option appears as “Source Tracks.”
Destination File pop-up menu: Choose whether the bounce result is a single audio file, an audio file per track with selected regions, or an audio file per selected region.
One File: The bounce results in a single audio file replacing the selected region or regions, plus any audio tail following the last selected region (default).
One File per Track: The bounce results in an audio file for each track that extends from the beginning of the first selected region to the end of the last selected region, plus any audio tail following the last selected region.
One File per Region: The bounce results in an audio file for each selected region, replacing the region. Each bounced region contains the audio tail from any effects extending past the end of the source region. On all but the last region, the tail is shortened so that the region keeps its original borders.
Source pop-up menu: Choose whether the source regions are muted, deleted, or left in place.
Include Effect Plug-ins switch: When selected, all plug-ins on the source track are included during the bounce process.
Include Audio Tail in File switch: When selected, the bounce process continues after the end of the bounce range—either to the end of the cycle or to the end of the last selected region—until there is no longer any signal. Otherwise, only the bounce range is bounced.
Include Audio Tail in Region switch: When selected, the entire bounce file is included in the bounce region. Otherwise, the bounce region only includes the bounce range.
Note: The Include Audio Tail in Region switch is available only when the Include Audio Tail in File switch is on.
Include Volume/Pan Automation switch: When selected, volume and pan automation is performed during the bounce process, affecting the bounce file. Otherwise, the volume and pan automation is simply copied, not performed.
Normalize pop-up menu: Choose one of the normalization options:
On: The bounce files are bidirectionally normalized.
(When the maximum level of the bounce file is below 0 dB, its level is increased to 0 dB. When the maximum level is above 0 dB, its level is reduced to 0 dB to avoid clipping.)
Off: The level of the bounce files is unchanged.
Prevent Overload: When the level of a bounce file is above 0 dB, its level is reduced to 0 dB to avoid clipping. When the level is below 0 dB, it is unchanged.
Tap Bounce at the top of the dialog.
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