Add key and time signature changes to a score in Logic Pro for Mac
The Score Editor displays the key signature and time signature for the project, as well as any key or time signature changes you make using the Signature track or Signature List. You can change the key and time signature, and add key and time signature changes in the Score Editor. Key and time signatures are global events that affect all tracks in your project.
In order to select and copy signatures, the Signature track must be visible, and must not be protected.
Key signature changes
Key signature changes (you make in the Score Editor) affect only the display of notes in the Score Editor—they have no effect on MIDI playback. Changing the initial key signature for a project, however, does affect the playback of Apple Loops.
You can add any number of key signature changes to a project. When you add a key signature change, the new key signature changes the key from the insertion point forward, until the next key signature change is reached (if one exists).
You can store up to nine signature alternatives, which are reflected in the Signature track, Signature List, and Signature window.
Key signatures inserted in the Score Editor (or global Signature track or Signature List) affect all instruments on all display levels. This is reflected both visually and in MIDI playback.
The display of key signatures and key signature changes depends on:
The Score project settings in the Clefs & Signatures pane (see Clefs & Signatures project settings).
The Key parameter in the Staff Style window (see Work in the Staff Style window).
Time signature changes
The time signature determines the number of beats in a bar, so changing the time signature affects how barlines appear in the score. Functions that depend on the chosen time signature and bar positions (such as MIDI metronome click or Transform window functions) are affected if bar positions are used to restrict a function to a certain part of the project.
Detailed information about key and time signatures can be found in Time and key signature overview.