Space Designer filter and envelope in Logic Pro for iPad
The filter provides control over the timbre of the reverb.
You can choose from several filter types. Changes to filter settings result in a recalculation of the impulse response rather than a direct change to the sound as it plays through Space Designer.
Tap the Filter Envelope On/Off button to use the filter and the filter envelope. You can use the envelope to control the filter cutoff frequency over time.

Filter envelope parameters
Filter Envelope On/Off button: Turn on or turn off the filter and filter envelope.
Init Level knob and field: Set the initial cutoff frequency of the filter envelope.
Attack Time knob and field: Determine the time required to reach the value set with the Filter Max control.
Max Level knob and field: Set the maximum filter cutoff frequency. This value also determines the attack and decay phases of the overall filter envelope. In other words, when the set level is reached after the attack phase, the decay phase begins. You can create interesting filter sweeps by setting the Filter Max value lower than the Filter Init level parameter value.
Decay Time knob and field: Determine the time required after the Filter Max value has been attained until the End Freq value is reached.
End Level knob and field: Set the cutoff frequency at the end of the filter envelope decay phase.
Filter parameters
Filter Resonance knob and field: Emphasize frequencies above, around, or below the cutoff frequency. The impact of the resonance value on the sound is highly dependent on the chosen filter mode, with steeper filter slopes resulting in more pronounced tonal changes.
Filter Mode buttons: Set the filter mode.
LP 6dB: Bright, general-purpose lowpass filter that retains the top end of most material while still providing some filtering.
LP 12dB: Warm, lowpass filter without drastic filter effects that is useful for smoothing bright reverbs.
BP: 6 dB per octave bandpass design that cuts the low and high ends of the signal, leaving the frequencies around the cutoff frequency intact.
HP: 12 dB per octave (two-pole) highpass design that cuts the level of frequencies that fall below the cutoff frequency.
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