Quick Sampler overview in MainStage
Quick Sampler lets you quickly create sampler instruments consisting of a single audio file. You can load any audio file, including Apple Loops, into Quick Sampler or use Quick Sampler to record a new sample.
Quick Sampler is inserted in instrument channel strips and is useful as both an instrument and audio manipulation utility. You can use it in a number of ways in your performances.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.
Quick Sampler offers independent control of pitch, filter, and amp parameters, coupled with flexible sampler modes and modulation options. If you’re new to samplers, synthesizers and the concepts behind modulation generators, such as LFOs and envelopes, filters, and other components, see Synthesizer basics overview.
If you need to work with more than one audio file at a time, use Sampler. You can directly replace Quick Sampler with Sampler on an instrument channel strip and your current content is automatically transferred. Sampler can also directly load saved Quick Sampler settings.
Important: You can not open a Sampler setting with Quick Sampler.
Logic Pro for Mac provides playback compatibility with Logic Pro for iPad projects that use Quick Sampler. You can load presets for this plug-in in Logic Pro for Mac. See the Share a project with Logic Pro for iPad topic in the Logic Pro for Mac User Guide, and the Export and Share projects chapter in the Logic Pro for iPad User Guide.
In the Quick Sampler interface, you can see two primary sections:

The upper section contains all sample-related functions, including the sampler mode, the waveform display, and analysis, playback, mapping and other options. See Choose a Quick Sampler mode.
The lower section contains two LFOs and Pitch, Filter, and Amp panes that each have an independent envelope. A dedicated Mod Matrix pane provides extensive modulation options. See Quick Sampler Mod Matrix pane.