EVOC 20 Filterbank Formant Filter in MainStage
The parameters in this section provide precise level and frequency control of the filters.

Formant Filter parameters
High and Low Frequency parameters: Determine the lowest and highest frequencies allowed to pass by the filter banks. Frequencies that fall outside these boundaries are cut.
The length of the horizontal blue bar at the top represents the frequency range. The silver handles on the left and right ends of the blue bar set the Low Frequency and High Frequency values, respectively. You can move the entire frequency range by dragging the blue bar.
You can also drag in the numeric fields that are below the blue bar to adjust the frequency values separately.
Frequency band faders: Set the level of each frequency band in filter bank A—the blue faders—or filter bank B—the green faders. You can quickly create complex level curves by dragging horizontally, or “drawing,” across either row of faders.
Formant Shift knob: Move all bands in both filter banks up or down the frequency spectrum.
Note: The use of Formant Shift can result in the generation of unusual resonant frequencies when high Resonance settings are used.
Bands value field: Set the number of frequency bands—up to 20—in each filter bank.
Lowest button: Switch the lowest filter band between bandpass or highpass mode. In bandpass mode, the frequencies above and below the lowest band are ignored. In highpass mode, all frequencies below the lowest band are filtered.
Highest button: Switch the highest filter band between bandpass or lowpass mode. In bandpass mode, the frequencies above and below the highest band are ignored. In lowpass mode, all frequencies above the highest band are filtered.
Resonance knob: Determine the basic sonic character of both filter banks. High Resonance settings emphasize the center frequency of each band and result in a sharper, brighter character. Low settings result in a softer character.
Boost A and Boost B knobs: Set the amount of boost or cut applied to the frequency bands in filter bank A or B. You can use these knobs to compensate for the reduction in volume caused by lowering the level of one or more bands. If you use Boost A and Boost B to set the mix relationship between filter bank levels, you can use Fade AB (see “Fade AB slider” below) to alter the tonal color, but not the levels.
Slope pop-up menu: Choose the amount of filter attenuation applied to all filters in both filter banks. You can choose 1, which sounds softer at 6 dB/octave, or 2, which sounds brighter at 12 dB/octave.
Fade AB slider: Crossfade between filter bank A and filter bank B. At the top position, only bank A is audible, and at the bottom position, only bank B is audible. In the middle position, the signals passing through both banks are evenly mixed.