Randomizer in MainStage
The Randomizer plug-in randomizes incoming MIDI events in real time.

Randomizer parameters
Event Type pop-up menu: Choose the MIDI event type that you want to randomize.
Input Range sliders: Set the upper and lower limit for the range of values that are affected. Only parameter values that fall within the range are processed. All values outside the range pass through the plug-in.
Note: You can position the lower Input Range slider above the upper Input Range slider and vice versa, which inverts the input range behavior: events that fall within the range are not processed and events outside the range are randomized.
Amount slider: Set the intensity of randomization. The box shows the range of possible output values in comparison with the unprocessed input signal shown in the middle.
Weight slider: Increase or decrease the likelihood that an event is randomized within the set Amount range. The box reflects the weight setting: a darker gradient means less chance, and a brighter color means more chance to produce values in the respective area.
Drag toward the left (Low) to increase the chance of low values being randomized.
Drag toward the right (High) to increase the chance of high values being randomized.
In the centered position, neither low or high values are favored, resulting in the entire range of values being randomly altered.
Output Offset slider: Offset the (random) MIDI output of the plug-in. Offsets can be negative or positive.
Seed slider (extended parameter): Specify a starting point (or seed) for randomization.
An example is when using the Randomizer plug-in to randomize a piano melody. If you bounce the piano part, your randomized melody is saved as an audio file. If you bounce the song again, with Seed set to Random, the two bounces sound different. If Seed is set to the same specific value for both bounces, they are identical.