Loopback interface in MainStage
The Loopback interface resembles a hardware tape-loop device. Use this section to familiarize yourself with various areas of the Loopback interface.

Waveform display: The waveform display shows the waveform of the recorded audio, the playhead position, and the ruler. See Loopback waveform display.
Transport and Function controls: The transport and function buttons are located to the left and right of the information display in the silver bar that spans the plug-in window. See Loopback transport and function controls.
Information display: The information display provides details on the current playback position and recording length, meter, tempo, and fade time. See Loopback information display.
Sync, Snap To, and Play From pop-up menus: The black bar across the bottom contains the Sync, Snap To, and Play From pop-up menus. These are used to set playback and recording behavior. See Loopback Sync, Snap To, and Play From parameters.
Action pop-up menu: The Action pop-up menu includes Loopback’s file and “tape loop” utility commands. The Action pop-up menu is accessed by clicking the button with the gear icon at the top right of the interface. It provides import and export, monitoring, and other commands. See Loopback Action menu.
Group pop-up menu: When using multiple instances of the Loopback plug-in, use this menu to assign each plug-in a group number to control which instances play together and which instances operate independently. See Use the Loopback group functions.