MainStage plug-ins include a variety of settings, each optimized for a specific result. For an instrument plug-in, a setting may recreate the characteristic sound of a particular instrument, whereas for an effect plug-in, it may be tailored for use with a specific instrument or to create a particular sound. You can choose settings, copy and paste settings, save settings, and perform other functions in the Settings pop-up menu for each plug-in.
To open the plug-in window in MainStage, double-click the plug-in slot.
Click the Settings pop-up menu (at the top of the plug-in window), browse to the setting you want, then choose it.
Tip: You can also select the plug-in slot, then choose a plug-in setting in the Channel Strip Inspector.
In MainStage, do one of the following:
To choose the previous plug-in setting: Click the left arrow next to the Settings pop-up menu (or choose Previous Setting from the Settings pop-up menu).
To choose the next plug-in setting: Click the right arrow next to the Settings pop-up menu (or choose Next Setting from the Settings pop-up menu).
In MainStage, click the Copy button in the plug-in window header (or choose Copy Setting from the Settings pop-up menu).
All parameter settings are copied to the Clipboard.
Click the Paste button in the plug-in window header (or choose Paste Setting from the Settings pop-up menu).
In MainStage, do one of the following:
To save the current plug-in parameter values as the setting: Choose Save Setting. This overwrites the existing setting.
To name and save a setting, including its folder location: Choose Save Setting As. You can create a new folder in the Save As dialog, if you want.
Note: Subfolders must be located in the folder for the corresponding plug-in. For example, you could save a setting called “Euro Lead” in the Lead Synths subfolder of the ES2 plug-in folder.
In MainStage, choose Reset Setting from the Settings pop-up menu.
In MainStage, save a setting called “#default” in the Settings folder for the plug-in.
In MainStage, choose Delete Setting from the Settings pop-up menu.