Selector screen control parameters in MainStage
You can use selector screen controls to display and select patches and sets, or to display and select markers in audio files used by a Playback plug-in. You can edit the following parameters for selector (patch or marker selector) screen controls.
View Patches and Sets button: When active, both patches and sets are shown in the selector.
Dual Column Display checkbox: When selected, sets are displayed in the left column and patches are displayed in the right column.
Patches or markers button: When active, only patches are shown in the selector.
Items to Display value slider: Set the number of items (lines) visible in the selector.
Color selector: Choose the color for selected items in the selector.
Set Justification buttons: Click to set whether sets are left, center, or right justified in the selector.
Patch Justification buttons: Click to set whether patches are left, center, or right justified in the selector.