EVOC 20 TrackOscillator extended parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
The extended parameters provide additional advanced options for EVOC 20 TrackOscillator. Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left to view and use these parameters.
Extended parameters
Track Mode pop-up menu: Choose the pitch tracking mode.
Old: Pitch tracking mode based on a Fast Fourier Transform calculation.
Cepstrum: Pitch tracking mode based on analysis of harmonic spacing, enabling grouped harmonics and/or sidebands to be identified.
AKF: Pitch tracking mode based on analysis of harmonic content, enabling the fundamental frequency to be identified.
Oscillator Wave slider and field: Choose an oscillator waveform from 100 Digiwaves for oscillator 2, the modulator.
Digiwaves are very short samples of the attack transients of various sounds and instruments.
Fixed Note slider and field: Set a fixed note frequency or set to the "track” position to enable tracking mode.