Device network information MDM queries for Apple devices
Device network information queries return a mobile device management (MDM) solution’s information—for example, the device’s Bluetooth®, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi MAC addresses, carrier settings, and the phone number. Device network information queries can return the following values.
Query | Supported operating system | Value returned |
Bluetooth MAC address | iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS 1.1 | The Bluetooth MAC address. |
Carrier settings version | iOS iPadOS | The version of the carrier settings. |
Current carrier network | iOS iPadOS | The current carrier. |
Current Mobile Country Code (MCC) | iOS iPadOS | The current HotSpot 2.0 Mobile Country Code (MCC) settings. |
Current Mobile Network Code (MNC) | iOS iPadOS | The current HotSpot 2.0 Mobile Network Code (MNC) settings. |
Data roaming turned on | iOS iPadOS | Yes or no. |
ICCID | iOS iPadOS | The ICCID of the device. |
Network tethered | iOS iPadOS | Yes or no. |
Personal hotspot turned on | iOS iPadOS | Yes or no. |
Phone number | iOS iPadOS | The phone number of the device. |
Primary Ethernet MAC address | macOS | The primary active Ethernet MAC address. |
Roaming | iOS iPadOS | Yes or no. |
SIM carrier network | iOS iPadOS | The name of the SIM carrier network. |
SIM Mobile Country Code (MCC) | iOS iPadOS | The HotSpot 2.0 SIM Mobile Country Code (MCC) settings. |
SIM Mobile Network Code (MNC) | iOS iPadOS | The HotSpot 2.0 SIM Mobile Network Code (MNC) settings. |
Subscriber carrier network | iOS iPadOS | The name of the subscriber carrier network. |
Subscriber Mobile Country Code (MCC) | iOS iPadOS | The current HotSpot 2.0 subscriber Mobile Country Code (MCC) settings. |
Subscriber Mobile Network Code (MNC) | iOS iPadOS | The current HotSpot 2.0 subscriber Mobile Network Code (MNC) settings. |
Wi-Fi MAC address | iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS 1.1 | The Wi-Fi MAC address. |