Configure audio channels in Final Cut Pro for Mac
Final Cut Pro assigns a default channel configuration for audio clips when they’re imported or added to a project. You can change the channel configuration—for example, to convert a stereo dialogue clip to two mono channels.
Final Cut Pro automatically groups channels into audio components according to how the channels are configured for the clip. See Audio channels and components in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
In addition to changing the channel configuration, you can view and listen to audio components and enable or disable audio components.
You can also choose a channel configuration when exporting roles as audio stems for mixing or post-production. See Share roles as files in Final Cut Pro for Mac. If you choose an export file channel configuration that is different from that of your source files, the channels are exported in the following ways:
Stereo source exported as surround: The left and right channels are exported to the left and right channels of the surround file.
Surround source exported as stereo: The surround source is exported as a stereo (left and right channel) mix.
Stereo or surround source exported as mono: The stereo or surround source is exported as a mono (one channel) mix.
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