Adjust generators in Final Cut Pro for Mac
Final Cut Pro provides a variety of generators, such as backgrounds, shapes, objects, and so on. Each type of generator has a unique set of controls that you can adjust.
In Final Cut Pro, add a background, shape, object, or other generator to the timeline, and select it.
Move the playhead over the clip (to see the effect of your changes in the viewer).
If the inspector isn’t already shown, do one of the following:
Choose Window > Show in Workspace > Inspector (or press Command-4).
Click the Inspector button on the right side of the toolbar.
Click the Generator button at the top of the inspector.
In the Generator inspector, adjust the settings for the background, shape, or object.
Common settings include:
Color: Sets the color of the graphic element.
Center: Sets the position of the graphic element.
Graphics HDR Level: Some generators include SDR colors or graphic elements. When applied to clips in an HDR project, these elements may look dimmer than the bright areas in the HDR clips, or colors may seem muted relative to the HDR media. You can increase the intensity or vibrancy of these elements by adjusting the Graphics HDR Level slider.
Font: Sets the font of the text in the generator.
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