BPM Counter in Logic Pro for iPad
BPM Counter analyzes the tempo of incoming audio in beats per minute (bpm). The detection circuit looks for any transients, also known as impulses, in the input signal. Transients are very fast, nonperiodic sound events in the attack portion of the signal. The more obvious this impulse is, the easier it is for BPM Counter to detect the tempo.
Percussive drum and instrumental rhythm parts, such as basslines, are suitable for tempo analysis, whereas pad sounds are unsuitable candidates for tempo analysis.
To add BPM Counter to your project, choose Metering > BPM Counter in a channel strip Audio Effect plug-in menu or the Plug-ins area. See Intro to plug-ins. Also see Add, replace, reorder, and remove plug-ins in the Plug-ins area and Work with plug-ins in the Mixer.

BPM Counter parameters
BPM display: Shows the tempo of incoming audio in beats per minute (bpm).
The measurement ranges from 80 to 160 beats per minute. The measured value is displayed with an accuracy of one decimal place.
Note: BPM Counter detects tempo variations in the signal and tries to analyze them accurately. If the State display shows Analyzing during playback, this indicates that BPM Counter has detected a tempo that has deviated from the last received (or set) tempo. As soon as a new, constant tempo is recognized, Continuous is shown in the State display and the new tempo is shown in the BPM Counter display.
Reset button: Tap to reset the BPM Counter display.
Double button: Set the displayed tempo to double the analyzed rate.
Half button: Set the displayed tempo to half the analyzed rate.
State display: Shows the current analysis status. If Analyzing is displayed, a tempo measurement is taking place. When Continuous is displayed, analysis is complete, and the tempo is displayed in the BPM Counter display field.
Confidence display: Shows a percentage value that indicates the accuracy of tempo analysis.
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