Print wirelessly from your Mac to your printer
Most popular printers are AirPrint-enabled so you can print wirelessly to them using your Mac. If necessary, install the latest printing software that came with the printer or from the manufacturer’s website.
AirPrint is built into most popular printer models; for a list of printers that support AirPrint, see the Apple Support article About AirPrint.
For information about using a printer with an iPhone or iPad, see Use AirPrint to print from your iPhone or iPad.
Wirelessly print to an AirPrint printer
Make sure your printer is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Mac. See the set-up information that came with your printer.
With a document open on your Mac, choose File > Print in the app you’re using.
Click the Printer menu, then choose your AirPrint printer.
Note: If you don’t see your AirPrint printer, you can choose Add Printer from the Printer menu and add it to your list of printers. See Add a Wi-Fi or network printer.
Select the other print options you want and click Print.
If you don’t want to print wirelessly, you may be able to connect your AirPrint printer to a USB port or Ethernet port on your Mac. Check the documentation that came with your printer to see if it has one of these ports.
If you can’t print to your AirPrint printer
Make sure that you have the latest version of macOS. Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Generalin the sidebar. Click Software Update on the right, then install any software updates listed.
Try connecting the AirPrint printer to your Wi-Fi network using a cable for direct connection or through bridging. See Bridge virtual network interfaces. The printer may then be able join the Wi-Fi network and work wirelessly.
After turning on your printer, wait a few moments before trying to print. After powering up, some printers might take a minute or two before joining the network.
If you’re using an AirPort Base Station or AirPort Time Capsule, connect it to your AirPrint printer using the Ethernet LAN port or through your Wi-Fi network. You can’t use AirPrint to print to a printer that’s connected to the USB port of an AirPort Base Station.
Check with your printer’s manufacturer to see if any updates are available for your printer model.