Request a teacher account in Schoolwork
To use Schoolwork, you must be signed in to your device with a Managed Apple Account. If your school is enrolled in Apple School Manager but has not set up your Managed Apple Account, you can use your school email address to request an account. Keep in mind that you cannot use email addresses at public domains such as @icloud.com, @gmail.com or @outlook.com.
Submit an account request
Open Schoolwork
Tap Teachers, enter your school email address, then tap Next.
Apple sends you an email to verify that you are the owner of the email address.
To verify your email address, tap Next or tap the link in the email.
Enter your six-digit verification code.
Apple verifies that the email address you specified is associated with an organisation in Apple School Manager.
To confirm your organisation, tap “Yes, this is my organisation.”
To complete your request for a Managed Apple Account, enter the following information:
Location: you can only select locations your school’s IT administrator added as a location in Apple School Manager.
First Name and Last Name: enter your first name and last name.
Employee ID or No.: enter your employee identifier or badge number.
Schoolwork sends your request to your IT administrator for approval in Apple School Manager. Once approved, you will receive your new account information by email or by file from your IT administrator.