Playback information display in MainStage
The information display shows information about several key aspects of your audio and lets you edit some of the displayed values.

Information Display parameters
Position field: Shows the current position in hours, minutes, and seconds (when Sync is off), or in bars and beats (when Sync is on).
Length field: Displays the overall length of the loaded audio file in hours, minutes, and seconds (when Sync is off), or in bars and beats (when Sync is on).
Meter field: When Sync is on, lets you define the meter (time signature) of the audio file. The bar and beat values can be altered independently. Editing the Meter field changes the ruler display, and may alter the Length field display, but has no impact on audio playback.
Tempo field: Displays the MainStage concert tempo in beats per minute when Sync is on. Playback follows only a single, constant tempo. The Tempo field is disabled when Sync is off.
Note: Because Playback instances use the concert tempo when Sync is on, you can use audio files recorded at different tempos, and have them all play back at the same tempo (the concert tempo).
Fade Time field: Sets the fade-out time in seconds. Drag vertically to adjust this value. Click the Fade button to start or stop a fade-out.
Pitch fields: Transpose audio playback when Sync is on. Drag vertically in either the semi or cent field to transpose the audio file in semitones or cents (1/100 of a semitone). The Pitch fields are disabled when Sync is off.