Retro Synth amp and effect controls in MainStage
Retro Synth amp controls set the overall volume. You can also mix a sine wave directly into the output stage, which thickens the sound. You can make the sound richer with the integrated Chorus effect or can add a sweeping, metallic character with the Flanger effect. If you’re new to synthesizers and the concepts behind amp controls, see Synthesizer basics overview.

Amp parameters
Volume knob: Set the overall output level.
Sine Level knob: Mix a sine wave at the frequency of oscillator 1 (Shape 1) directly into the output stage. This sine signal is not processed by the filter.
Effect parameters
On/off button: Turn the effect section on or off.
Effect Type pop-up menu: Choose either the Chorus or Flanger effect.
The Chorus effect is based on a delay line, the output of which is mixed with the original, dry signal. The short delay time is modulated periodically, resulting in pitch deviations. The modulated deviations, in conjunction with the original signal pitch, produce the chorus effect.
The Flanger effect works in a similar fashion to the chorus, but with even shorter delay times. The output signal is fed back into the input of the delay line. This feedback results in the creation of harmonic resonances that cyclically move through the frequency spectrum, resulting in a sweeping, metallic sound.
Mix knob: Set the balance between the original and effect signals. High values result in stronger effect processing.
Rate knob: Set the modulation speed of the effect.
Tip: Use MainStage effects if you need more precise control of chorus and flanging or want to use both effects simultaneously.