Sampler is a sophisticated software sampler with which you can quickly create multisample instruments using drag-and-drop workflows.
Audio files, called samples, are combined into tuned, organized collections called sampler instruments. A sampler instrument is the file type that is loaded into Sampler with the plug-in Settings pop-up menu. When you choose a sampler instrument, the associated audio files are automatically located on the hard disk (or disks) and are loaded into your computer’s RAM. You play and record the loaded sampler instrument in the same way as any software instrument.
Because sampler instruments are based on audio recordings, they are ideally suited to emulating real instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums. Sampler provides an extensive library of sampler instruments that includes these and many other sounds. Sampler is fully compatible with EXS instrument libraries.
You can also use Sampler to edit and create your own sampler instruments. You can quickly assign samples to specific key and velocity ranges in existing or new sampler instruments by dragging them into Sampler. You can graphically resize and move individual samples or groups of samples, as well as assign a number of playback parameters to a single sample or a group of samples.
Sampler is a flexible synthesizer in its own right. You can create expressive sounds by using any sample as a basic synthesizer waveform, which you can then process with an extensive collection of filters and modulators. If you’re new to the concepts and use of synthesizers and samplers, see Synthesizer basics overview.
You can use Sampler as a mono, stereo, or surround instrument, and can route loaded samples to multiple audio outputs. This lets you independently process individual drum sounds in a drum kit, for example. If you want to play and edit a single sample instrument, try using Quick Sampler.
The Sampler interface is contained in a single scrolling window, with shortcut buttons shown in the Navigation bar at the top. You can show or hide sections (panes) of the interface and can use the Navigation bar buttons to resize and quickly navigate between panes.
Synth pane: This pane contains synthesis options that you use to set global pitch, filter, pan and volume settings for your sounds. See Sampler Synth pane and Sampler Synth Details.
Mod Matrix pane: This pane contains modulation routing options that you can configure to affect the playback of your sounds. See Use the Sampler Mod Matrix.
Modulators pane: This pane contains LFO and envelope modulators that you use to control the pitch, amplitude, and filter settings of your sounds. These modulators can be routed to parameters in the Mod Matrix. See Sampler modulation overview.
Mapping pane: You use this pane to create and edit sampler instruments, and to set and control group and zone parameters. See Sampler Mapping and Zone pane overview.
Zone pane: You use this pane to edit individual samples (zones) within sampler instruments. See Sampler Zone pane.
In MainStage, you can use the Navigation bar shortcut buttons to hide or show panes within the Sampler interface, to quickly navigate between visible panes, and to resize panes within the visible area. The Navigation bar Action pop-up menu provides commands used to manage synthesizer parameter and mapping data.
Navigation bar parameters
Navigation buttons: Use to view, and scroll to panes. Double-click to switch pane zoom levels. Click the LED to hide panes. Drag samples here to add them. You can do the following:
Click a navigation button to scroll the main UI to the corresponding pane.
Click the yellow LED inside a navigation button to hide the corresponding pane.
Click the navigation button of a hidden pane to show the pane and automatically scroll to it.
Double-click a navigation button to expand the corresponding pane vertically. The pane expands to the maximum useful pane height, in proportion to the height of other open panes and the overall height of the plug-in window.
Double-click the navigation button of a vertically expanded pane to reduce the pane to its default height or to a height that you have set.
Tip: You can resize panes vertically by moving the pointer over the boundary between panes until it becomes a handle, then dragging the handle.
Option-click a navigation button to expand the corresponding pane vertically and hide all other panes.
Action pop-up menu: Choose commands used to manage synthesizer parameter and mapping data.
Note: You can directly drag one or more samples onto the Navigation bar to create new groups and zones. See Create zones with drag and drop.
In MainStage, you can use Navigation bar Action pop-up menu items to perform synth parameter handling and import commands.
These commands include functions that were used in the precursor to Sampler, the EXS24 mkII. To explain, the former EXS Instrument is now known as a mapping. The former EXS Setting is now referred to as synth parameters. If you prefer to work with these elements, you can use the Navigation bar Action pop-up menu commands.
You can choose any of the listed commands from the Navigation bar Action pop-up menu to perform these operations:
Initialize Synth Parameters: Recalls a neutral setting for all parameters in the Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators panes. This provides a clean slate when you are adjusting the parameters of your sampler instrument.
Note: This does not affect the existing mapping.
Copy Synth Parameters without Mapping: Copies all current parameter values from the Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators panes to the Clipboard.
Paste Synth Parameters without Mapping: Pastes all parameter values of the Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators panes stored in the Clipboard into another sampler instrument.
Note: This does not affect the mapping of the target instrument.
Import Synth Parameters without Mapping: Choose an instrument to use as a source for Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators pane parameter values.
Note: This does not affect the mapping of the target instrument.
New Mapping: Creates a new, empty mapping that can be used as a source (template) for your sampler instruments.
Note: This does not affect existing Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators pane parameter values.
Import Mapping without Synth Parameters: Choose an instrument as a sample mapping data source. Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators pane parameter values are ignored.
Note: This does not affect the Synth, Mod Matrix, and Modulators pane parameter values of the target instrument.
In MainStage, the overall Sampler window and panes within it can be resized. You can scroll panes vertically, and horizontally in some cases, and can zoom the Mapping and Zone panes. Combine these features and those of the Navigation bar to quickly move in, and adjust, the Sampler interface.
Important: Use of gestures, such as swiping or pinching require these features to be enabled in the Mouse or Trackpad panes of your System Settings.
Do any of the following to scroll:
Drag vertically on the scrollbar at the right edge of the Sampler window to move between panes.
Each pane provides one or more transparent scrollbars that you can drag to move vertically or horizontally within the pane.
Note: Scrollbars are shown only when the pane or Sampler window content exceeds the display area size.
Use a two-finger vertical swipe to scroll with the trackpad, or a single-finger vertical swipe with a Magic Mouse to vertically scroll a pane (except the Zone pane) or to scroll the Sampler window.
In the Mapping or Zone panes, use a two-finger horizontal swipe with the trackpad, or a single-finger horizontal swipe with a Magic Mouse to horizontally scroll.
Do any of the following to zoom:
In the Mapping or Zone panes, use a pinch gesture to zoom.
In the Mapping pane, use the zoom slider.
In the Zone pane, use a two-finger vertical swipe to zoom with the trackpad, or a single-finger vertical swipe with a Magic Mouse to zoom the waveform.
In the Zone pane, use the zoom buttons.
Tip: You can double-click any pane button in the Navigation bar to quickly switch between a maximized view and the current view of that pane.
Do any of the following to resize:
Drag vertically on the top or bottom edge of the Sampler window to change the window height.
Drag horizontally on the left or right edge of the Sampler window to change the window width.
Drag diagonally on any corner of the Sampler window to change both the window height and width.
A resize handle is shown when you move the pointer over any edge or corner of the Sampler window.
Double-click the name at the top of any pane to change its height.
Drag vertically on the top or bottom edge of a pane to change the pane height.
A resize handle is shown when you move the pointer over the boundary between panes. The adjacent pane is also resized.
Tip: You can double-click any pane button in the Navigation bar to quickly switch between a maximized view and the current view of that pane.