Step FX step modulator global controls in MainStage
The step modulator is the heart of Step FX. It offers three independent step modulators that each provide up to 128 steps. Each modulator can be assigned to modulate effects unit parameters or to modulate gate or pan. It is also possible to assign multiple step modulators to the same parameter to create interesting polyrhythmic effects.
In addition to defining the number of steps in each modulator, you can change the level and length (gate time) of individual steps, and you can also tie steps. Each modulator provides independent Depth, Rate, and Swing amount controls, and also features an Attack, Hold, and Release envelope that defines the overall step shape for each modulator. See the sections on step modulator playback controls and display controls.
A number of modulator pattern presets are included, along with menu commands to help you quickly create new and interesting rhythmic modulation patterns.

Step modulator global controls
On/off buttons: Enable/disable step modulator 1, 2, or 3.
Step modulator select buttons: Click to select step modulator 1, 2, or 3. All parameters in the step modulator, envelope, and so on, update to show values for the chosen modulator.
Modulator Target pop-up menus: Choose a target parameter for step modulator 1, 2, or 3. These pop-up menus also act as select buttons. The selected modulator name is shaded.
It is possible to assign the same target for multiple modulators. Because each modulator can have a different pattern and length, along with independent Depth, Rate, Swing, and envelope control, this can lead to complex polyrhythmic modulations. There are two gate modes available that facilitate different playback behaviors:
Gate Mix: Gate Mix is the best Gate choice in most cases. In this mode, a Depth value of 0% results in no change to the sound. As the Depth value increases, the volume associated with the minimum step value decreases until at 100% it results in silence. Negative Depth values invert step values. When multiple Gate modulators are used, the Gate Mix value is multiplied by existing Gate values.
Gate Add: In Gate Add mode, a single Gate Add step modulator with a Depth value of 0% results in silence, and a Depth value of 100% sounds identical to Gate Mix. As you increase the Depth value, the amplitude of existing steps increases. Negative Depth values invert step values. When multiple Gate modulators are used, the Gate Add value is added to existing Gate values. For example, a Gate Add Depth value of +10 changes a step value of 50 to 60.
Preset pop-up menu: Choose a menu item to save or load your own modulation pattern or to load a supplied modulation pattern.
Save As: Opens a name field. Enter a name, then click the Save button to save your modulation pattern. Click Cancel to stop the save operation and to exit the Save name field.
User patterns are shown at the bottom of the Preset pop-up menu.
Recall Default: Initializes all steps and the envelope in the current user pattern to default (null) values.
Copy/Paste: Store the current modulation pattern in the Clipboard. Paste applies the modulation pattern currently found on the Clipboard.
Delete User Preset: Deletes the current user pattern.
Custom: This menu item is shown automatically when any pattern changes have been made. It can be considered the “current state” pattern preset.
Previous/Next buttons: Click the left or right arrow to choose the previous/next modulation pattern preset.
Action pop-up menu: Choose a modulation pattern handling menu item. These include randomize, shift, reverse, and other functions.
Random Full: Apply full-range random offsets to modulation pattern step values. Use this command to create truly random modulation patterns.
Random Deviation: Apply limited-range random offsets to modulation pattern step values. Use this command to create slight variations of existing step values.
Shift Left/Right: Move all modulation pattern steps one position (a step) to the left or right. Steps at the first and last position “wrap around,” so step 16 would become step 1 if you used the Shift Right command on a 16-step modulation pattern.
Double Note Length: Doubles the length of all steps. Full-length steps are tied to the next step. Steps of 25% length become 50% length steps, 50% length steps become 100% length steps, and so on.
Reverse: Reverse the position of all steps. Step 1 becomes step 16, step 2 becomes step 15, step 3 becomes step 14, and so on in a 16-step modulation pattern.
Invert: Invert the level of all steps. A step with a level of 40% becomes a step with a level of 60%, a step with a level of 10% becomes a step with a level of 90%, a step with a level of 0% becomes a step with a level of 100%, and so on.
Append Duplicate: Duplicate all active steps and copy them to the step immediately following the last step. For example, steps 1 to 10 would be copied to create a 20-step modulation pattern.
Append Reverse Duplicate: Duplicate all active steps, reverse their order, then copy them to the step immediately following the last step. For example, steps 1 to 4 with values of 15, 20, 30, and 70 would be copied to create an 8-step modulation pattern with values of 15, 20, 30, 70, 70, 30, 20, and 15.