Arpeggiator options parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
Click the Options button to set global Arpeggiator playback parameters, such as note length and velocity.

Options parameters
Options button: Set global Arpeggiator playback parameters, such as note length and velocity.
Note Length knob: Define the length of arpeggiated notes. This ranges from 1 to 150%.
Note: This is a global scaling parameter that retains the relative length differences between individual steps that may have been changed in Grid mode.
Random knob: Set the amount of random note length variation.
Velocity knob: Determine the maximum range of possible velocity values for arpeggiated notes. At the far right position (100%), the original velocities of recorded or played notes are retained. At the far left position (0%), the original velocities of recorded or played notes are ignored and all notes are output at a constant velocity.
Vel (Velocity Base) field: Drag vertically to set a minimum velocity value used for random velocity modulations and crescendos.
Crescendo/Random button: Switch between two modes: Random and Crescendo. The amount of variation is controlled with the Crescendo/Random knob. The range of the crescendo or possible random velocities is set with the Velocity parameters.
Crescendo/Random knob: Set the strength of the crescendo or random velocity variation for the chosen Crescendo/Random mode.
When set to Crescendo: The set amount is added to, or subtracted from, the velocity of all notes on each arpeggio repetition, starting with the second cycle.
When set to Random: The velocity values of all notes are randomized symmetrically by the set amount. At a value of 0% there is no randomization applied. At a value of 100% the velocity values are completely randomized.
Swing knob and field: Set the strength of note swing. Swing moves every second note closer to the nearest downbeat. A value of 0% results in no note movement, whereas a value of 100% results in extreme note movement.
Cycle Length knob: Set a length for the arpeggio. You can choose from the following:
By Grid: Matches the arpeggio length to the host application division setting. This is useful for rhythmically synchronizing the arpeggio length with other regions.
1 to 32: Set the arpeggio length to the specified number of notes.
As Played: The arpeggio length is determined by the length of played notes.