View class, assignment and student insights in Classwork
To help inform instruction and gain a better understanding of your class, assignment and student trends over time, Classwork provides insight cards with data on student progress towards completion of activities and assignments, performance, time spent on activities and assignments, and frequency of use and engagement.
Using the class, assignment details and student progress views, you can see progress, performance, time spent and frequency trends for your classes, assignments and students, and decide if you need to adjust instruction.
View class insights
The class view displays progress, performance, time spent and frequency trends for the selected class.
In the Classwork app , tap a class in the sidebar.
Classwork displays the class view, including the work due this week and class insights.
View assignment insights
The assignment details view displays progress, performance, time spent and frequency trends for the selected assignment.
Classwork displays the activity data progress insight for all active assignments.
In the Classwork app , tap Recent Activity, Assignments or a class in the sidebar.
Tap an assignment.
Classwork displays the assignment details view, including the activity data and insights for the selected assignment.
View student insights
The student progress view displays progress, performance, time spent and frequency trends for the selected student.
In the Classwork app , tap a class in the sidebar.
Tap Students, then tap the name of the student whose insight data you want to view.
Classwork displays the student progress view, including the data and insights for the selected student.
If you don’t see Performance and Time Spent insights for progress-reporting app activities, confirm progress reporting is turned on for your organisation and for all students.
Classwork insights don’t include any assessment information, data or analytics.