Organize spreadsheets into folders in Numbers for iCloud
You can organize spreadsheets into folders, or sort them in a different order in the spreadsheet manager.
Organize spreadsheets into folders
In the spreadsheet manager, click Browse (on the left).
Click the Create Folder button
in the toolbar.
Select one or more spreadsheets or folders, then drag them to the new folder.
To select multiple adjacent items, Shift-click. To select multiple nonadjacent items, Command-click (on a Mac), or Control-click (on a Windows computer).
Do any of the following:
Rename the folder: Click the folder, click the More button
, then choose Rename Folder. Type a new name, then press Return.
Move a spreadsheet (or folder) into a folder: Drag the item to the folder.
Remove a spreadsheet (or folder) from a folder: Drag the item to another location at the bottom of the window.
For example, to move a spreadsheet out of a folder into the Numbers folder on iCloud Drive, drag the spreadsheet to Numbers at the bottom of the window.
Open or close a folder: To open a folder, double-click. To close the current folder, click the link in the upper left.
Delete a folder (including its contents): Click the folder, click the More button
, then choose Delete Folder
Sort spreadsheets and folders by name, date, or kind
With the spreadsheet manager in browse view, choose a sorting option from the pop-up menu in the upper-right corner.
Sort by Kind groups similar items, such as spreadsheets or folders.