Set up facing pages in Pages for iCloud
If you intend to print a document double-sided and bind it, you can set it up to have left- and right-facing pages (also known as a two-page spread). Documents that use facing pages can have different headers and footers on the left- and right-facing pages, as well as different margins.
Open the Document
Select the Facing Pages checkbox.
To use different headers and footers for left- and right-facing pages, do one of the following:
In a word-processing document: Click the edge of the page (so nothing is selected), click the Format button
in the toolbar, then select the “Left and right pages are different” checkbox in the sidebar.
If you don’t see this checkbox in the sidebar, you may still have something selected on the page. Zoom out so you can see the entire page, then click the edge of the page (or the gray background behind it).
In a page layout document: Select the “Left and right pages are different” checkbox (below the Facing Pages checkbox).
To determine which type of document you have, see word-processing and page layout documents.