When an envelope is first opened, a default envelope curve is automatically created. Click the (Mode) Env button to view it.
A few handles (nodes) are placed—from left to right—along a straight line within the envelope. These are indicators of the following parameters.
Node 1: Start level—cannot be repositioned
Node 2: Attack time position/level
Node 3: Loop time position/level
Node 4: Sustain time position/level
Node 5: End time position/level
As you move the pointer along the line, or place it over the nodes, the current envelope segment is highlighted.
You can create your own envelopes manually by manipulating the nodes and lines, or you can record an envelope, as discussed in Record Sculpture envelopes.
In MainStage, drag a handle left or right.
As you drag, the overall length of the envelope changes—with all following nodes being moved. When you release the mouse button, the envelope display automatically zooms to show the entire envelope.
Note: You cannot move a node beyond the position of the preceding node. You can, however, move nodes beyond the position of the following node—even beyond the right side of the envelope display—effectively lengthening both the envelope segment and the overall envelope.
In MainStage, drag a handle up or down.
In MainStage, for simple (non-recorded) envelopes, drag the line that connects nodes up or down.
For recorded envelopes, which may have a more complex curve between nodes, Control-drag the curve.