Sculpture Material Pad Keyscale or Release view in MainStage
In Keyscale or Release view, the Material Pad shows additional Keyscale and Release parameter controls.

Material Pad Keyscale and Release parameters
Diamond controls: Adjust the Stiffness and Inner Loss Keyscale and Release parameters.
In Keyscale view, the diamonds indicate the intersection between the Inner Loss and Stiffness Low/High Scaling positions. You can drag these diamonds to adjust both parameters simultaneously.
In Release view, you only drag the diamond vertically, because you cannot adjust the release behavior of the Stiffness parameter.
Crosshair and line controls: Use to control the Keyscale and Release parameters when the diamonds are hidden by the ball. The crosshair also enables you to independently change the keyscaling for one of the two axes (X/Y positions, which control the current Inner Loss and Stiffness values).
Note: Option-click any of the controls to reset parameters to their default values.