Sample Alchemy envelope generators in MainStage
You can control the level of the amplitude or modulation over time with dedicated envelope generators. Use the Amp/Mod button to access each envelope. The parameters for each envelope are the same.

Amp and Mod Envelope parameters
Amp/Mod button: Choose an envelope type. You can choose between the Amp (amplitude) envelope or Mod (modulation) envelope.
Attack value: Drag up or down to set the time it takes for the envelope to reach the initial level.
Decay value: Drag up or down to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall to the sustain level, following the hold phase or the initial attack time.
Sustain value: Drag up or down to set the sustain level, which is held until you release the note.
Release value: Drag up or down to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall from the sustain level to a level of zero after you release the note.