Use the Sampler Mapping pane menu in MainStage
You can use Mapping pane menu commands and functions at any time. The menu bar displays the same menus and elements in the Key Mapping Editor, Group view, and Zone view.

Mapping pane menu parameters
See the tasks in this section to learn more about the commands and functions in each pop-up menu.
Edit pop-up menu: Choose an editing or selection command or function.
Group pop-up menu: Choose a group-related command or function.
Zone pop-up menu: Choose a zone-related command or function. This menu contains Split, Automap, Remap, Loop, and Audio File submenus.
View pop-up menu: Choose an option that affects the appearance and behavior of the display.
Preview button: Play the selected zone.
Zoom slider: In the Key Mapping Editor, drag to zoom the view in or out. You can also use pinch gestures to zoom directly in the graphical editor with your trackpad. If you are using a Magic Mouse, use a single-finger vertical swipe to zoom.
Editor view buttons: Use to switch to the Key Mapping Editor, Group view, or Zone view.
In MainStage Sampler, choose any of the following commands or functions from the Zone > Split menu:
Create Zones Split at Transients: Use to analyze the selected zone for transients. A new zone is created for each transient detected in the audio file. This feature is most commonly used to split loops that contain drum, percussion, or other rhythmic patterns.
Create Zones Split at Silence: Use to analyze the selected zone for points with extended periods of silence. New zones are created for the non-silent sections of the zone. This feature is most commonly used to split custom recordings of instruments, where notes of various pitches and loudness levels are played, separated by a second or two of silence.
Create Zones Split at Notes: Use to analyze the selected zone for clear, pitched notes. A new zone is created for each pitched note, of sufficient duration and harmonicity, detected in the audio file. This feature is most commonly used to split loops that contain musical phrases.
Tip: For all of these “Create” functions, once a zone is split, you can use Automap menu commands with the resulting zones to build a playable instrument.