Final Cut Pro User Guide for Mac
- Welcome
- What’s new
- Intro to effects
- Intro to transitions
- How transitions are created
- Add transitions and fades
- Quickly add a transition with a keyboard shortcut
- Set the default duration for transitions
- Delete transitions
- Adjust transitions in the timeline
- Adjust transitions in the inspector and viewer
- Merge jump cuts with the Flow transition
- Adjust transitions with multiple images
- Modify transitions in Motion
- Add storylines
- Use the precision editor
- Conform frame sizes and rates
- Use XML to transfer projects
- Glossary
- Copyright

Import into Final Cut Pro for Mac from iMovie for iOS or iPadOS
You can import projects created in iMovie for iOS or iPadOS into Final Cut Pro.
Open iMovie on your iPhone or iPad.
Scroll projects in the Projects browser, then tap one to see project details.
Tap the Share button
, tap Options, tap Project, then tap Done (on iPhone) or tap the Back button (on iPad).
Tap one of the following options:
AirDrop: Share wirelessly to a nearby Mac using AirDrop.
Save to Files: Save the project to your iPhone, iPad, or iCloud Drive, and retrieve it with your Mac.
For more information about these methods of sharing projects to other devices, see the iMovie User Guide for iPhone or the iMovie User Guide for iPad.
After the project file has finished copying, open Final Cut Pro and choose File > Import > iMovie iOS Projects.
Note: This is the only way to import projects created in iMovie for iOS or iPadOS. You can’t open an iMovie for iOS or iPadOS project in Final Cut Pro by double-clicking the project icon or dragging it to Final Cut Pro.
In the window that appears, navigate to the location where you stored the project file you transferred from your iPhone or iPad.
By default, AirDrop transfers appear in your Downloads folder. Projects sent to iCloud Drive appear in the iMovie folder in iCloud Drive.
Select the project file and click Import.
The imported project appears in the current event in the browser.
When importing projects from iMovie for iOS or iPadOS, keep in mind the following:
Some iMovie template elements may not be available in Final Cut Pro. You can re-create most of these effects in Final Cut Pro. See Intro to effects in Final Cut Pro for Mac and Intro to titles in Final Cut Pro for Mac. If you import a project that uses a Magic Movie or storyboard template that is not included with Final Cut Pro, the template elements in the imported project are replaced with the Standard Title element.
Storyboard projects are automatically converted to movie projects for use in Final Cut Pro. Any empty placeholders in the storyboard project are replaced by placeholder clips in Final Cut Pro. See Add placeholders in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
If you import a project that contains a soundtrack included with iMovie for iOS or iPadOS, the soundtrack retains its clip name, clip composition, duration, and position in the timeline. However, the soundtrack is imported as a simple WAV audio file that no longer dynamically adjusts to fit the length of your project.
If you’re using the most recent version of iMovie for iOS or iPadOS, you may get a message that the project can’t be imported.
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