Compare two video frames in Final Cut Pro for Mac
In Final Cut Pro, you can show the comparison viewer next to the main viewer to compare any two frames of video side by side. For example, you can compare frames to look for differences or similarities in color correction, cropping, titles, video effects such as blurs or masks, and so on.
You can use the comparison viewer in two modes in Final Cut Pro:
Saved: Save frames to the comparison viewer so you can compare them to any frame in the timeline or the browser. In Saved mode, you can use the comparison viewer with a frame browser that shows thumbnails of your saved frames. You can save up to 30 frames from anywhere in your project or library, and you can display saved frames in the comparison viewer with just a click.
Timeline: Quickly compare a frame in your project with a frame from the previous or next clip in the timeline. As you move the playhead in the timeline, the comparison viewer updates automatically to show either the last frame of the previous clip or the first frame of the next clip.

Tip: You can use the Command Editor to assign a keyboard shortcut to save a video frame to the comparison viewer (or to switch the active viewer between the comparison viewer and the viewer when working with an external display). In the Command Editor, search for “comparison viewer.” See Intro to the Command Editor in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
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