Hum Removal: Reduces common electrical hum noise at either 50 or 60 Hz.
Equalization and Voice Isolation must be turned on manually in the Audio Enhancements section of the Audio inspector. The other enhancements are designed to correct common audio problems automatically or with minor manual adjustments.
Note: When you import a clip with the “Analyze Audio: Fix audio problems” import option selected, only severe audio problems are corrected. If the clip contains moderate problems, these appear in yellow next to Audio Analysis in the Audio Enhancements section of the Audio inspector after the clip is imported. To correct these problems, you need to automatically enhance audio in the Audio inspector.
In Final Cut Pro, select an audio clip or a video clip with audio in the timeline.
Important: Audio enhancement works on the component level, not the clip level. If your audio clip has more than one audio component (for example, a dual mono clip), select an individual component, then proceed with the enhancements.
Click the Enhancements pop-up menu below the viewer and choose Enhance Audio.
In the Audio inspector, click the Enhance Audio button next to Audio Analysis in the Audio Enhancements section.
If it isn’t already open, open the inspector, then click the Audio button at the top.
In the Audio Enhancements section of the inspector, a green checkmark to the right of an enhancement indicates that the clip was analyzed and, if necessary, adjusted for that enhancement. A blue checkbox appears next to each enhancement that was turned on to apply a correction. You can turn on additional enhancements by selecting their checkboxes (when an enhancement is turned on, its checkbox is blue).
Note: If the enhancement controls aren’t shown, position the pointer over the right side of the Audio Analysis bar (or any individual enhancement bar), then click Show.
To turn off an enhancement, deselect its checkbox. A yellow warning triangle may appear in the inspector, indicating potential problems.
In Final Cut Pro, select an audio clip or a video clip with audio in the timeline.
Important: Audio enhancement works on the component level, not the clip level. If your audio clip has more than one audio component (for example, a dual mono clip), select an individual component, then proceed with the enhancements.
If it isn’t already open, open the inspector, then click the Audio button at the top.
In the Audio Enhancements section of the Audio inspector, select the checkboxes for the enhancements you want to use, then do any of the following:
Adjust equalization: In the Equalization section, click the Equalization pop-up menu and choose an equalization preset, or click the Controls button to make manual adjustments.
Change the percentage of voice isolation: Drag the Amount slider in the Voice Isolation section. Voice Isolation prioritizes any detectable human voices over other parts of the audio signal. Voice Isolation requires macOS Monterey 12.3 or later.
Turning on Voice Isolation for several audio components that are all playing at the same time may result in garbled audio. If this occurs, try turning off Voice Isolation for one or more audio components.
Change loudness settings: Drag the Amount and Uniformity sliders in the Loudness section. The Amount slider adjusts the overall loudness (compression) of the clip, and the Uniformity slider adjusts the dynamic range affected.
Change the percentage of background noise removal: Drag the Amount slider in the Noise Removal section.
Remove hum: Select either 50 Hz or 60 Hz in the Hum Removal section.
Note: If the enhancement controls aren’t shown, position the pointer over the right side of the Audio Analysis bar (or any individual enhancement bar), then click Show.
To turn off an enhancement, deselect its checkbox. A yellow warning triangle may appear in the inspector, indicating potential problems.
If you want a clip to sound like another clip, you can match the audio.