EFM1 global parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
The global parameters are used to set the tuning, number of voices, and other aspects of the overall sound.

Global parameters
Transpose pop-up menu: Choose the base pitch. You can transpose by semitones or octaves.
Tune field: Fine-tune the pitch in cents. One cent is 1/100 of a semitone.
Voices pop-up menu: Choose the number of simultaneously playable voices. Choose from: mono (one voice), legato (one voice), or any number from 2 to 16 voices.
In Mono mode, staccato playing retriggers the envelope generators every time a new note is played. If you play in a legato style (play a new key while holding another), the envelope generators are triggered only for the first note you play legato, then they continue their curve until you release the last legato played key.
Legato mode is also monophonic, but with one difference: the envelope generators are retriggered only if you play staccato—releasing each key before playing a new key. If you play in a legato style, envelopes are not retriggered.
Note: On several monophonic synthesizers, the behavior in Legato mode is referred to as single trigger, while Mono mode is referred to as multi trigger.
Unison button: Layer two complete voices, thus making the sound richer. EFM1 can be played with up to eight-voice polyphony when in unison mode.
Glide field: Introduce a continuous pitch bend between two consecutively played notes. Adjust the value to set the time required for the pitch to travel from the last played note to the next.
Note: Glide can be used in both of the monophonic modes—Mono and Legato—or in any of the polyphonic settings—where Voices is set from 2 to 16.