Assign staff styles to tracks in Logic Pro for Mac
You can assign a different staff style to each track in the score. Changing staff styles allows you to control the display of individual staffs in the score, and quickly create parts for transposing instruments.
Each track has a default staff style, which appears in the Staff Style pop-up menu in the Region inspector. When you start working on a new project, or create a project template, you can change this setting for tracks that will use a specific staff style, so that regions recorded on these tracks are displayed with the correct staff style with no further editing.
If you choose Auto Style from the Staff Style pop-up menu, the track is assigned a staff style that fits the range of notes in the regions on the track. For example, if the regions consist of notes played below middle C, a Bass staff style is assigned to the track. Two-handed parts and instruments using the Grand Staff (with notes both above and below middle C) are assigned a Piano staff style.
Note: Auto Style can only be chosen in the Region inspector, and does not appear in the list of staff styles in the Score Editor Region inspector.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can assign staff styles to tracks in your project and edit staff styles. You can also assign staff styles to individual MIDI regions and to tracks, allowing you to use multiple styles on a single staff.
This can be used to alternate between fully notated passages and “improvised” passages using only beat slashes and chord symbols, for example.