Ultrabeat envelope parameters in MainStage
To edit envelope parameters, you first need to select one of the four envelopes with the 1-4 buttons. The parameters of the corresponding envelope can then be changed in the envelope display window.

Envelope parameters
Buttons 1–4: Select one of the four envelopes. Only the selected envelope can be edited. The button frame of the chosen envelope is highlighted, and the envelope display immediately updates to reflect your selection.
Attack time handle: Drag to set the time it takes for the envelope to reach its maximum value after receiving a note-on message. This period is called the attack phase.
Decay time handle: Drag to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall to an amplitude of zero after it has reached its maximum value (set in the attack phase).
Zoom scroll field: Drag horizontally to resize the visible contents of the envelope display.
Env mod pop-up menu: Choose the modulation target (either the time or shape of the envelope attack or decay phase) by velocity. Choices are A Time, A Shape, D Time, and D Shape.
Mod via vel slider: Drag to set the intensity of velocity modulation (of the target specified in the Env mod pop-up menu).
When you modulate Shape, low velocity values make the envelope concave. Higher values make the envelope convex.
When you modulate Time, high velocity values reduce the length of the envelope segment. Lower velocity values increase the length of the envelope segment.
Sustain button: Turn on to display a red handle and line on the x-axis which can be dragged horizontally within the envelope decay phase. The amplitude that the envelope reaches at the Sustain junction point is retained until the MIDI note is released.
Note: If the Sustain button is not turned on, the envelope functions in one-shot mode, and the note length (MIDI note-off command) is disregarded.
Zoom to fit button: Click to enlarge the envelope to fill the entire width of the envelope display. This makes it easier to adjust junction points and curves.
Note: When the Zoom function is turned on, the decay handle can be dragged beyond the right edge of the envelope display area, enabling you to lengthen the decay time. After you release the mouse button, the envelope graphic is automatically resized to fit the display area.
Zoom A/D buttons: Click to show only the attack (A) or decay (D) phase across the entire width of the envelope display. This enables you to perform more accurate edits to envelope shapes (down to millisecond values).